Year: 2022


有种很令人作呕的事情就是一打开社媒被一堆的所谓导师轰炸,有没有?无论是否经过我们的同意,网上的仙家导师无时无刻的向我们宣传各种信息。理由可以很堂皇! 想解救普通人啦, 想回馈社会啦, 想完成他家啊嘛的梦想. 大哥…拜托啦,我们只想静一静而已, 而且我也很肤浅, 找到赚钱的门道只会自己静悄悄的做

How to Protect Yourself from Scamming Ads and Fraudulent Websites

Digital advertising, or advertising on the internet, is a way of promoting products or services online. The digital world offers many new opportunities for advertisers to reach their target audience. Digital advertising has grown to become a $250 billion industry in the last five years. The problem with this industry is that it is also […]


在做主页时写到了岁数, 一开始不觉已经2022年了, 写少了一岁。 发现时不经说了一句 “哦…38啦?” 现在偶尔回忆下小时后的时好像才过了不久而已..但又也好像很遥远… 上个星期天约了朋友一起去 Shah Alam Botanic Garden 走走, 大家都带了一家大小, 主要是让小孩子们出来走走. 四家人, 其中一家还是小学二年级就认识的朋友…

The Good, The Bad and the Annoying Digital Marketing Ads

Advertising Today Advertising is a form of marketing communication that employs an openly sponsored, non-personal message to promote or sell a product, service or idea. The messages are conveyed through various mass media, such as television, radio, newspapers and billboards, and of-course numbers of online channels. People nowadays generally run advertisements through various internet platforms, […]


当创建任何自己的东西时我认为首先必须忠于自己。人们可以通过多种不同的方式更新他们的个人博客。他们可以使用社交媒体,在 Medium 或其他网站上发布,甚至可以创建自己的网站用于个人品牌推广. 是我可以写任何我感兴趣的话题的地方。创建个人品牌网站的主要目的是因为…

Why I Started My Personal Branding Blog

Why i start my personal branding blog? When you start your own blog, it is to be true to who you are and what you believe in. Today, there are many different ways that people can update their personal blogs. They can use social media, publish on Medium or other websites, or they could even […]


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